Up up up to The Heaviside Layer.

I have always been predominately a cat person and when I wasn't a cat person I was either a rat person or a bird person for some reason? I'm not a big fan of having anything that has to be in a cage, it just seems all wrong. A pet should be able to hang out with you on the couch and watch TV or leave disgusting dead gifts on your floor. From birth to 40 it has been 8 cats, 3 parakeets, 1 rat, 1 gold fish and 2 tadpoles. The problem with pets is that we out live them by miles and when they go it leaves a tangible hole that cannot be filled so easily.

Every once in a while an animal will come into your life that has something other worldly about them. They seem enlightened, they hold on to something that we humans have lost a long time ago and only get fleeting glimpses of now and again. Pets share that "Something" with us through unconditional love. I don't mean that in a cutsey greeting card way, It's actually a very deep relationship that needs to nurtured and respected.

Last week my good friend "One" decided to check out of this world and move on to the heavy side layer. He was a beautiful, barfing, cuddling, furniture destroying bohdisattva. He almost always stood on three legs and never made a sound. I wish I could have been there to say goodbye, He died in my moms arms, exactly where he wanted to be. You will be so missed my friend, so missed.
