Senor El Guapo's 1 step to looking like a complete idiot.
You always hear about Belgian chocolate and beer, but I, for some dumb reason, have never thought about the actual place. We arrived in Leuven Belgium at about 4pm and literally were only here for a night, so I didn't really get to see much of the city. It was load in, set up and get out. The venue was a massive theater called The Depot that has been completely gutted accept for the 60's brown pleather seats that have definitely seen better days. The stage is a good 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall with huge festival towers on either side, making you feel like your at Glastonbury but in doors. It's really nice to set up on a big stage, with an in house crew that pretty much unpacks everything for you, it just makes the whole thing feel so relaxed and easy. Just point and click and it's done for you! It has taken me a really long time to get used to allowing people to do things for me, I honestly don't know how. I have spent most of my life doing things for myself, if it needs fixing, I fix it, If it needs cleaning, I clean it. So it is really hard for me to sit back and let people "serve" me. Case in point, we have a cleaning lady that comes in once a week to clean our flat in London. It takes all of my willpower not to go down stairs and help her mop the floors or vacuum the hallway. But I resist and let her do her work, she works hard and does a great job, so, power to the proletariat!
I keep my camera with me during most shows, so I can catch those moments when the show is really on and everything is coming together. The Leuven gig was definitely one of those shows, It was big, bright and loud, everything a good rock & roll show should be. So I whipped my camera out and started to take some pictures, the band were having a particularly good one, so I figured I would take some video too. "I really want to get a good shot, Hmmm..step back a little bit, yeah that's good, it looks great. Oh man, this is going to be awesome! I just need to get the drummer in the shot too, Just move back another foot and......." Ok, so I am now falling backwards through space and because it's happened so quickly, I honestly have no idea what is happening. The next one second seems to take a good minute as I fall through the abyss towards a hard concrete floor. I only wake up to what has happened when the floor, my head, hip, fingers and back settle into a twisted mass. For some reason I am being spared any pain for the moment, but I know it was bad. I can see my camera lying on the floor about ten feet away, I apparently flung it across the room like a Olympian going for gold. The cool thing is, I was filming video when I fell, so hopefully if I can retrieve it and there will be actual video of me falling off the stage! There was one guy standing there when this happened but he never saw it. I don't know if the age old question "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?" has ever been answered? But here is an even deeper question, "If a roadie falls off the stage during the show and no one is around, does "he" make a sound?" Answer: No one will ever know, because the band was too loud.
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